Start Your Loan Process
This is the perfect place to start, whether you are a seasoned investor or a first-time home buyer we can help you. Make this loan change your life forever. Our roots and foundation of this company came from helping one another in this community. We intend to keep it that way, your only a few clicks away.
Initial Loan Consultation
The first step in obtaining loan financing is to fill out a loan application. You can make an appointment to meet one of our licensed loan originators in person or over the phone to obtain any necessary personal and financial information needed to initiate the loan process.
During this step, we will also discuss different loan programs available to you that will meet your needs, the interest rates available, and the financial and property qualifications for the loan program you’ve chosen.
Verification Documents
Once you have chosen a loan program and interest rate, the application has been filled out and you have provided us with the necessary information, we will send out forms to verify your employment history and bank account information, obtain your credit report, order your preliminary title report from the title company and order your appraisal. Once this information is returned to us, we will compile your loan documents and submit them to the underwriter for iniital loan approval.
Whether buying, selling, or refinancing a property, an appraisal may be needed for loan approval. When one is needed, a third-party vendor will be assigned by the lender to complete a property inspection. This is an out-of-pocket expense to the borrower. If the property is eligible for an appraisal to be waived, this will save the cost of hiring an appraiser and also help streamline the loan approval process. . This will ensure that the property’s value matches the market value price.
Final Loan Amount
We will work with you to satisfy any final loan conditions requested by the underwriter. Conditions might include an explanation letter of some sort, copies of investment documents, copies of divorce papers, or any number of items that may help clarify your qualifications for the loan.
Clear to Close
After the loan conditions are met, the Final Approval process is now complete and any necessary documents are prepared for closing.
The lender will draw up the necessary documents along with any (prior-to-funding) conditions that have yet to be met. Your escrow officer or attorney will arrange for an appointment with you when the loan papers are ready to be signed.
Closing Time
We work alongside the escrow officer from title or the closing attorney to assemble the final paperwork and confirm the total funds needed for the closing. Title provides you with a settlement statement showing all of the costs involved in the loan. Your loan will then close escrow and your new loan will be recorded. Now, enjoy the moment as you receive the keys to your new home. It’s time to celebrate!